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Monday, June 16, 2008

We finally had a great sleeping night!!! It's been hard trying to get Rebekah down to sleep at night as she really wanted to be a night owl and keep mommy up until 2-3 in the morning. And even though we went shopping yesterday and she slept a good portion of the afternoon, we had an excellent night. I think her playing with her toys in her playpen helped her too. She got her last evening feeding around 8 lastnight. She seemed a little tired but not quite there yet so we put her in her playpen with her toys. She stared at them for a while and probably by 9 she was out. When we went to bed around 9:30, she started squirming around when I put her in her bassinet but she quickly fell back asleep and didn't wake me until 1 o'clock this morning. I quickly changed and fed her but she had a little difficulty falling back asleep. I went back to bed around 2:30 and then we got back up at 5. I was even able to get up and pack my loving husband his lunch for his departure back to work before she started fussing for her breakfast. A very good morning, except for the massive spit up that she did this morning. I think she drank too much...."her eyes were a little bigger than her stomach"!! But the funny thing is after the spit up, she was content again for about 10 minutes and then she needed just a teeny bit more milk to send her back off to sleep. I didn't think she'd be hungry for a while after that but maybe that created a little gap that needed to be filled. :)

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