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Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Todds

The Todd family now has 3 members, with extensoins in many directions. Jon, Jennifer, and most recently Rebekah Lynn (aka Peanut). We have 2 dogs, Bear and BooBoo. Jen and Jon were married in August of 2005. We live in Boonsboro, MD. Rebekah was born on 6-4-08. She has drastically changed our lives since she has come into the world. She's only been here a couple days, but we instantly fell in love. It is hard to describe the tidal wave of emotions that comes in the first few seconds of staring at your new child. It is indescribable how God can bless us with something so beautiful. It's just one more example of how he shows his love. Anyways, As time goes on, we'll be updating this page so that others can keep track of how our family is progressing. Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jon and Jenn. Ashley and I are so proud of your family and look forward to meeting little peanut.

Blessing Always.