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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hospital Pictures

Rebekah is one week old today. Here are the pictures from the hospital. These were taken when she was about 36 hours old. These are the first professional portraits of this beauty. She's gorgeous like her mama.


Anonymous said...

She is beautiful guys. Hope all is well!!!

Ryan and Ashley

Elizabeth said...

Ok, she is seriously one the prettiest newborns I have ever seen! Hope you guys are getting a little sleep.

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful.
her dad is not half bad either :)

Can't wait to see her.

Auntie E

Grammy said...

Oh my goodness Jon and Jenn, she is such a BEAUTIFUL baby!!! Seeing these pictures, she is a good mix of both of you. It's killing me not to be able to hold her:-(

Love to all,
Aunt Amy

Anonymous said...

She's is precious, Jon & Jen! I wish I were there to hold her and meet her. It looks like ya'll are adjusting well and enjoying yourselves. You have a beautiful baby!

Love You!