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Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 22, 208

This was a good weekend for Rebekah. She spent plenty of time outside of the house. As of today she is about two and a half weeks old. Yesterday we went to the mall to get some clothes for mom and dad. Dad has gained a couple pounds and needs new shorts for the summer. Rebekah had a great time being pushed around the mall, Sam's and Panera. Today, we stopped at a couple antiques shops. Rebekah saw a couple items she liked, but since she don't earn no money, she doesn't get to pick out a highchair. She may start looking for work next week. Tonight, she is taking a bath in her "Baby Whirlpool Spa." That's right, a whirlpool for the kid. She's already high maintenance and not even a month old. Anyways, I am posting a new video of her playing with her toys and her unique sneeze. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Cute!! I check everyday for updated pics and your comical way of describing life now:-):-) Love to all,
Aunt/GreatAunt Amy