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Sunday, June 29, 2008

First day at Church

Today was our first day at church for Rebekah. She got all dressed up and was ready to go and then decided that she was hungry. So she was late. We got there and she was listening to the music but when the pastor started preaching, she got bored and took a nap. After looking around, she wasn't the only one. After church, we went out to lunch with Great Uncle Rick and Great Aunt Elaine. She was so happy to finally meet them, she celebrated with a nap. It was a good lunch and this time I remembered the kid and the leftovers. Good Stuff!!! Anyways, below is a picture of the Peanut in her outfit for her first day at church.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Rebekah's first official nap in her crib.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Check out the spikey hair...she had a little static problem after her bath!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Today we took a trip to the office and this is what Rebekah did the whole time. No one could wake her up no matter how hard they tried :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 22, 208

This was a good weekend for Rebekah. She spent plenty of time outside of the house. As of today she is about two and a half weeks old. Yesterday we went to the mall to get some clothes for mom and dad. Dad has gained a couple pounds and needs new shorts for the summer. Rebekah had a great time being pushed around the mall, Sam's and Panera. Today, we stopped at a couple antiques shops. Rebekah saw a couple items she liked, but since she don't earn no money, she doesn't get to pick out a highchair. She may start looking for work next week. Tonight, she is taking a bath in her "Baby Whirlpool Spa." That's right, a whirlpool for the kid. She's already high maintenance and not even a month old. Anyways, I am posting a new video of her playing with her toys and her unique sneeze. Enjoy.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Rebekah 2 weeks 1 day old

Monday, June 16, 2008

We finally had a great sleeping night!!! It's been hard trying to get Rebekah down to sleep at night as she really wanted to be a night owl and keep mommy up until 2-3 in the morning. And even though we went shopping yesterday and she slept a good portion of the afternoon, we had an excellent night. I think her playing with her toys in her playpen helped her too. She got her last evening feeding around 8 lastnight. She seemed a little tired but not quite there yet so we put her in her playpen with her toys. She stared at them for a while and probably by 9 she was out. When we went to bed around 9:30, she started squirming around when I put her in her bassinet but she quickly fell back asleep and didn't wake me until 1 o'clock this morning. I quickly changed and fed her but she had a little difficulty falling back asleep. I went back to bed around 2:30 and then we got back up at 5. I was even able to get up and pack my loving husband his lunch for his departure back to work before she started fussing for her breakfast. A very good morning, except for the massive spit up that she did this morning. I think she drank too much...."her eyes were a little bigger than her stomach"!! But the funny thing is after the spit up, she was content again for about 10 minutes and then she needed just a teeny bit more milk to send her back off to sleep. I didn't think she'd be hungry for a while after that but maybe that created a little gap that needed to be filled. :)

Rebekah Playing with her toys 12 days old

She grabbed this toy all by herself and started playing with it. I tried to video her doing it yesterday but she wouldn't do it for the camera until today. She's a strong little thing :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

"Hmmm, all these toys. Which one do I want to play with"?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sleeping like a little Angel in her bassinet.

Friday, June 13, 2008

First Outing

Today was Rebekah's and Mommy's first day out of quarantine, I mean the house. Since I take such good care of my ladies I decided that they needed to get out of the house and get some clean fresh air and sunshine. It's not good to only sit around the house all the time. So I said "Ladies, get dressed. We are going to the doctor's office."
So they got dressed (picture below) and off we went. Rebekah now weighs 7 pounds and 6.5 ounces. The doctor was very happy with her weight gain. She has great color and her hips work well. No birth marks. She even decided the doctor's office was a great place to crap. It was eerily similar to taking the dog to the vets. After the nurse stuck her in the foot several times to get some bloodwork done, we went to lunch at the Olive Garden. Rebekah slept though. However, I just remembered that when it was time to leave, I grabbed the baby instead of the leftovers. I'm pretty upset right now. Now what am I gonna eat for dinner? I had 2/3 of a Tour of Italy to go. Sorry, a little off topic. On our way home we stopped to get chainsaw blades and then straight home. It was a big day for the Peanut, but I think she enjoyed it for the most part. I think she loved the car ride. Anyways, That's the latest on our nut.

Oh, and I threw in a bonus of "Baby doing the Budah"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hospital Pictures

Rebekah is one week old today. Here are the pictures from the hospital. These were taken when she was about 36 hours old. These are the first professional portraits of this beauty. She's gorgeous like her mama.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Here are some pics of Peanut and some of her family.

The Todds

The Todd family now has 3 members, with extensoins in many directions. Jon, Jennifer, and most recently Rebekah Lynn (aka Peanut). We have 2 dogs, Bear and BooBoo. Jen and Jon were married in August of 2005. We live in Boonsboro, MD. Rebekah was born on 6-4-08. She has drastically changed our lives since she has come into the world. She's only been here a couple days, but we instantly fell in love. It is hard to describe the tidal wave of emotions that comes in the first few seconds of staring at your new child. It is indescribable how God can bless us with something so beautiful. It's just one more example of how he shows his love. Anyways, As time goes on, we'll be updating this page so that others can keep track of how our family is progressing. Thanks for visiting.