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Tuesday, July 8, 2008


The past few days have been good for Rebekah. As I stated before, she had her first cookout. She had a lot of fun. She slept, she napped, she ate, and then she caught some Z's. She had a blast. On Sunday, Grandma & Grandpa P came to visit. This was her first time to see Grandma P, and it was exciting. On Monday, she went for her one month checkup (hard to believe it's been a month). He said "She is doing great. She weighs 9 lbs and 13 ounces, and she is 21 inches long." I'm so proud. She's growing up so fast. Before you know it, she'll be 30 years old and dating. Time is gonna fly by so quickly. Anyways, today she went to the office to see the girls. She stayed awake this time since she slept through the last visit. She had fun. I think all the people that wanted to see her kinda went to her head and she thought she was a celebrity. So she started dressing like one (picture below). Below are some pictures of the Peanut over the past few days. Please enjoy. She hopes you enjoy them.

"Guess What?! Grandma is coming to see you."

Here she is after the shock wore off.

Here's Rebekah dressed as a celebrity, posing for the papparazi.


Grammy said...

You guys are so funny and I love seeing the pictures!!! She is such an adorable baby girl! Keep the photos coming and give her kisses from her Great Aunt Amy. Love to all, Aunt Amy

Elizabeth said...

Love the pic of her in her shades, she is stylin! She is such a total mix of you two, shes adorable. When ever shes ready to take her first roadtrip bring her to TN.