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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Finally, we meet!!

Today was an exciting day. Finally, Rebekah got to meet her Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma Todd (G-G'pa and G-G'ma). She was so excited. She laughed, she cried, and she slept. It was so very good that we could get the Todd family together. She is looking forward to seeing G-G'pa and G-G'ma again tomorrow. It was great to share with my daughter what great gandparents I have (get it? great...grandparents...great-grandparents.. nevermind). It stinks that it has taken 4 months, since they made the trip to MD this time, we'll have to make the journey to FL next time. We were so excited to see them. Here are some pictures of our very special day.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

I'm jealous!----I want to be there. I'm so glad that GGpa and GGma finally got to see her, they have been excited about seeing her. Great pics of you guys together and I can't get over how big she is getting, what a CUTIE!!!!

Love to all,
Auntie/Great Auntie Amy XOXOXOXO